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Women World Leaders' Podcast

Dec 30, 2020

What can we learn from the birth of John the Baptist and the events surrounding it?

Dec 28, 2020

Our guest today, Jean Wenger, is a Los Angeles talent agent who is a woman of faith. She shares her testimony of how God called her into the film industry and shares with encouragement and faith to walk into your God given destiny.

Dec 25, 2020

Merry Christmas. May the celebration of Christ's birth fill you with abundant hope and His overflowing love.

Dec 23, 2020

Mary visits Elizabeth - two pregnant women with amazing God stories to share!

Dec 21, 2020

Today's guest, Tina Kadolph. was sex trafficked at age 4 and lived her childhood being a human slave which is indescribable. BUT GOD... God had a purpose and plan for Tina's life from her birth. Rescued, and miraculously led to Jesus in her 20's, Tina now shares encouragement with others showing that with God, all...