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Women World Leaders' Podcast

May 31, 2023

Perhaps you gave your life to Christ many years ago. If you did, you can rest assured that God has a place for you in His kingdom. But Jesus is also calling you to be His disciple. What does that even mean? We invite you to listen today as Julie Jenkins teaches from Luke 14:25-35.


Welcome to Walking in the Word, the...

May 29, 2023

How Tragedy Birthed a Ministry.
Kristy Furlow-Green shares about the devastation that came to her young life as a wife and mom of 3. Yet, through her "surrender" to the POWER  of God, He has brought a ministry for Kristy. 
God is weaving a tapestry through the ministry of "Cloth and Clay." God brought beauty from...

May 26, 2023

How often do we really think about what we think about?

Research says we have thousands of thoughts every day. Many are unhelpful and determine how we feel and respond to things! Join Rusanne Carole as she explores the importance of meditating on God's Word. It is alive and holds the power to give us abundant life no...

May 24, 2023

A great banquet is coming—greater than anything we could ever imagine! And YOU are invited! Will you RSVP today? Join Julie Jenkins as she unpacks the parable of the Great Feast as told in Luke 14:12-24.


Welcome to Walking in the Word, the biblical teaching arm of the Women World Leaders’ Podcast. I am your...

May 22, 2023

Today's guest,  Cindy Rosenthal is a survivor. She shares her story of growing up with physical and verbal abuse which left her lonely and building walls of protection.
Now, Cindy has gone from Survivor to Thriver as God has restored what the locusts have stolen. Hear how Cindy is now healing from past...