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Women World Leaders' Podcast

Mar 28, 2022

From self-centered to more of a self-less life through God's direction, our guest Stacy Thomas has learned to be bold and courageous in sharing her faith. 
Step out of your comfort zone and step into an ability to share your faith as Joshua 1:9 commands. Be bold and courageous. 

Kimberly Hobbs  
Welcome to empowering lives with purpose. And I'm your host, Kimberly Hobbs. I am the founder of Women world leaders. Ladies, we are so grateful that you have decided to join us today. And we would love to welcome our guests today. Who is Stacy Thomas from? Where are you from stays in my city Beach, Florida Animos city, I knew it was Florida. I just forgot this the city. So welcome, Stacy.

Stacy Thomas  
Thank you for inviting me. I'm really appreciative.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Oh, you're appreciative that you're here. So, ladies, it's all about sharing our stories to encourage each other what God has done in and through our lives. That is who we are at women, world leaders, we want to come beside you encourage you empower you, strengthen, strengthen you through the power of the Word of God. We believe that he is working in you giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him. That's actually a scripture from Philippians 213. And what does God say in Revelations 1211, he says that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And we believe that by sharing our testimonies that we can overcome him which is the enemy of our lives, and we share our testimonies and oh my goodness, what comes out of it is just amazing. And others can relate and, and help you know draw their relationship closer to the Lord as well. So, so ladies, we are so happy to have you and I just want to share a little bit about Stacey before. She shares a little bit about her story with you because today we're going to talk about being bold and courageous. And Stacey is a wife and a mother of three and she's been a pediatric occupational therapist for 27 years and is currently serving in the level three NICU unit. Stacy served as the ministry leader at her local Celebrate Recovery for seven years. She has assisted with establishing community based nonprofit ministries such as backport blessings and protect our preemies. Stacy has multiple publications in a local Christian magazine ad and has co published in the APTA professional research journal. Stacey enjoys spending time traveling with her husband visiting her children hiking and outdoor activities. And one of her scripture verses that is special to her is Psalm 91 Two, which says He is my refuge, my fortress, my God in him will I trust. So as I was sharing, ladies, today, we're going to talk about being bold and courageous. And if you're anything like me, I had a difficult time because I have always felt unworthy and worthy to talk out and share about my faith. Because of my past. And I know in speaking with Stacey, her and I shared some of the same past and that just lacking confidence. But Joshua one nine says, Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous, be bold, do not be afraid. And Tracy was an only child growing up. So she was in this kind of self absorbed place. But after growing in the Lord in him intervening in her life, he has taken her from this self centered place to now being more selfless. It's this growth process that we all need to go through. And she is learning how to be a selfless human being. And today Stacey is going to share a little bit about in her story about how God has drawn her closer to him. Stacey, can you share about that a little bit?

Stacy Thomas  
Thank you, Kimberly. Yeah, just to give you a little background, I, like Kimberly said was born and only child to very young parents who were on their way to college and life changed quickly for them because of that decision. And through a difficult delivery. Long story short, I ended up having some difficulties and was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy. So mild case but still have some challenges with my physical abilities. I always did well in school, and really learn to overcompensate there with my grades trying to meet the demands of fitting in. So over the years of being an only child and my parents were working and going to school, I learned to become more self sufficient. And I never really had to be challenged in any way with confrontation because there were no siblings to have confrontation with. And I guess I could say I was probably a fairly easy child, I didn't have much conflict with my parents growing up. So I grew up believing that I was in control, and that I was independent, and that I could do whatever needed to be done. And I carried that into my adulthood. I knew who Jesus was, but I did not have a relationship with him growing up in high school friends, who went to church would invite me I would go, but honestly speaking, it was more for the socialization, and just being able to fit in somewhere than it truly was about making myself a relationship with Jesus. went away to college, five hours away, no cell phones, and I was large and in charge of my own life and not doing it very well. Really kind of let go of some morals that my parents had instilled in me and being a number one party school, University of Florida, tended to hang up those morals and just do everything I could to fit in with the people around me. So over time, after marriage, and having kids and my children really were the gifts that God gave me, that made me want to have a closer relationship with God, because I wanted them to. And that's what really kind of led me to start going to church and pursuing God a little bit more. But even on the Wednesdays, and Sundays that I was there and serving, I still kept a

Unknown Speaker  
wall up

Stacy Thomas  
between me and had a lot of expectation on others had a fairly critical spirit on me and, and didn't give a lot of grace at that time. And so God began talking to me about that in my late 30s. So that's kind of in a nutshell. And

Kimberly Hobbs  
and I know through our conversation, Stacy and talking to you, you are sharing about that time where God started speaking to you and listening to podcasts, which we know are very helpful. Ladies, these podcasts are so helpful to us, aren't they, and I am just so grateful for them. Please pray for us as we do these podcasts. But you were listening to podcasts in your life, Stacy, and God was speaking to you. And then you are also sharing how you did a study in the zekiel. And one of the words that was jumping out at you as the word telling. And Ezekiel was talking about that in his book about being telling to be bold, and stand up and speak up, instead of being full of pride and talking from a self centered place. How did you do that? Stacy? How did he do this through you?

Stacy Thomas  
Well, God led me to a ministry called Celebrate Recovery about 10 years ago, and my church had started it. I was one of those people that said, I'm not one of those people. And finally, God just led me there really, truly with a desire to fix my marriage and fix my husband. But God showed me that that was not my job. And hey, let's look at these things in your heart a little bit. So after some time doing the steps there and realizing that I had some hurts that I needed to deal with, and some anger to deal with. The Lord led me through that and to a much healthier place. And since then, my studies have included podcasts have included small groups. And recently, last year, he said, I want you to study zekiel And I said, God, what? And so I kind of pushed back in my old Stacy way of pushing back from things and sat on it for a bit. And then this past month podcast that I listened to started a lit study on a zekiel. And I realized, Okay, God, you put me up this put this before me again. So I was obedient and began to study on the podcast. And yes, I had no idea what Ezekiel looked like for my life, but he has opened my eyes to realizing that he's not putting me out into the world to fix people, like I have done in my job that's been a requirement as an occupational therapist is to fix the injury, fix the development of the child, whatever it may be, but that my role as a Christian is not to fix people, but to tell people who he is and the love that He has for others. And for me And so I'm learning a new habit of just being able to go out and share and not have to be a scholar in the word not have to be a Theo theology, but use my testimony, use my story, use my experiences, to show people how much God loves us, and how much his purpose for us is for good, but also for the kingdom and helping others come to know who he is.

Kimberly Hobbs  
That's so true, so true. And thank you, I am so grateful that God impressed upon your heart, that you needed to turn things around and to start to speak truth into people in the place that God has brought you. And you are now doing that inside the NICU unit. And God brings you to women that are there. There's reasons why some of these babies are born. So premature, and there are problems associated with those children. And sometimes the the pregnancies and it gives you the ability to speak truth into their lives. And I'm just very grateful for that. So out of your place of rejection and different things that you've had to deal with in your life of fear that you can now speak truth into these women who are rejected and afraid. And God gives you these opportunities. So the Bible says when fear a mobilizes us, ladies, like when you are afraid to do something, just as I believe Stacey, in hearing her testimony, was afraid to step out in that faith and to be bold. And to be courageous. The Bible says when fear a mobilizes you to do something, ladies, don't be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you and He will be with you. And he will neither fail you nor abandon you. And that's Deuteronomy 31. Eight. Stacy, can you give us some examples how God embolden you in your career? Like maybe in the NICU? Like do you have a story you could share with us about God giving you that boldness at a certain moment to step out and share about him?

Stacy Thomas  
Oh, wow, there's so many opportunities. First, I want to share a scripture. Second Corinthians one four is kind of the scripture that I stand on now for my work. And it says, who comforts us in all our tribulations so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. And to me that says that he's calling us to use our testimony to help people understand and have hope that they are not alone. In the NICU, I come across mothers who, you know, most women, you know, have an expectation of I'm going to get pregnant, I'm going to carry this baby for 40 weeks, and there's going to be a baby shower, and there's going to be a now there's these baby reveals, and you know, all these fun things that are supposed to happen along the way and pictures and whatnot. And when that baby comes, we're going to spend a couple of days in the hospital, we're going to take them home to the nursery and things are going to be grand, our moms, whether it be because of prematurity or some other medical issue with the babies tend to have to have go to the NICU and have a different experience. And it's an experience where they absolutely have no control over the circumstances that they're facing this little human being that, that we that we take gratefully from God, and in some ways own in our own minds, is has to be at the mercy of the people who were taking care of it at that point. And so we have to bring to them a place of knowing that they can trust us. And how many women and men dads that I've talked to have trust issues. And so it's a very difficult time. So I've been able to use in so many ways, my experience of having cerebral palsy myself and having a developmental delay in my physical ability, being able to tell parents who are facing those worst case scenarios and say, hey, my parents face this too. And they were told I'd never walk. Or I might never walk. But look at me now. And so I'm able to use my visually use and show them that though this looks really grim right now, God took what happened to me, and he turned that into something good. So a perfect example was we had a baby who was born extremely premature. 24 weeks, her biological mother signed her rights away and she became a word of the state who was adopted. She was not doing well. She had a lot of difficulties. She was at the age where she was able to start learning to eat by mouth. And she just had no desire, she really didn't wake up much. And adoptive family was assigned to her, they came up and they immediately wanted to hold her. within 24 hours, we saw that baby turn around. Within eight hours, we saw that babies start to eat. And we were able to talk about how the love and affection that that family gave her. And the trust that they had for the process allowed them to be able to turn that baby around. And isn't that just the way that Jesus does with us?

Kimberly Hobbs  
Oh, yes, yes, that his arms

Stacy Thomas  
and he loves us. And all of the circumstances that we are in all of the tribulations that we are facing, just melt away. And we're able to surrender it all to him. And he turns it around in our life.

Kimberly Hobbs  
He does. He does. It's all about love. It is all about love. And I just I was flooded with goosebumps when you said that. And I can just imagine that scenario, because that's how God created us, we need to be loved. And we need to show love. And that little baby felt that love that human touch that genuine love for it. And look at what God did in that situation. Wow. Wow, that's beautiful. And to take it

Stacy Thomas  
further that is to have moderate to severe cerebral palsy based on the medical findings of her brain that we had seen on scans. And before she left, all evidence of brain damage was gone. Wow. And those parents embrace that as a miracle from God. And, and you know, and so not only do we have the opportunity to talk about God and His love for us and connect those dots, but then there's, you know, people that come to us that have the same ability to minister into our lives. And that's what I love about the kingdom is that we have opportunities outside where people who may not know Jesus, we have opportunities, to boldly bring it to them, but also within our own community of Christians, we need to be encouraging each other and loving on one another and accepting one another right where we are, instead of expecting another to be somewhere or doing something a certain way.

Kimberly Hobbs  
It's so true, we cannot have a judgmental attitude or anything, it's all about loving one another and having that boldness, again, encouraged to step out and just embrace another with love, speak the truth into their life. It's so important. You know, we see it from the moment we're born, obviously, with what you see Stacy in your career and, and you see it all through life, you see it through the mothers lives who are giving birth, you know, that maybe feel so broken, you know, delivering this child and, and rejected and whoever, you know, who knows what that woman is going through, but you have the ability, Stacy to love on them, God has put you in a place where he is using you and all of your past things in your life. To now speak love and truth into other women. And ladies, that's what we need to look for is in our own life. What are you doing? Where are you right now in your life, that God can allow you to open your mouth and speak love and truth from his word into others lives, that's what will change their lives. That's what will impact them and turn their situations around. It's his love. It's the power through his word that will do that. And we are just so grateful, Stacy for you doing that? And do you have any other examples maybe that you want to share? Because these examples again, just give such a profound? Ah, you know, like, wow, you know, I get it. I see it. I see what God's doing in that situation. About speaking boldness and to somebody.

Stacy Thomas  
Yeah. So one of the scriptures that I really have held on to for a long time, as James 122 says, Don't just be hearers of the word but be doers of the word. And just like an zekiel zekiel was tasked not with going in and fixing the broken nation, but he was tasked with going in and telling about God and what God's promises were and and God muted him for that purpose. He was only allowed to speak when he was sharing what God wanted share. And for me that that stood very tall for me because I've always you know, my profession requires me to People, whether it be their injury or whatever, are these babies. And so, I take that seriously, because now my new habit is to go and tell, go tell it up upon the mountain, right. So, but you know, one of the things we have to remember is that we are loved and he forgives us. And he gives a second chances. He shows us mercy and compassion and his heart is softened towards us. And that's something that we have to remember to do as well. You know, there are women that come through the unit, who have been doing drugs, and for a long time in their life, they may have been shunned, and they may have been judged and, and when they come to the unit, we have to know that they didn't, they weren't little girls that grew up thinking, Oh, when I grow up, I want to be a drug addict. They something happened in their life that created this for them. And we have an opportunity to help them become the women that God has purposed them to be. And that baby might be the reason why they are there to hear from us that they are loved, and that they are accepted, and they are forgiven. We can empower these women to have a purpose beyond that drug that they're addicted to. And we can help them. And so that's that's a big part of my heart after being involved in Celebrate Recovery as a ministry leader is that just letting people know whether it be a man or a woman that they have such great value in this world, beyond the circumstances are in the moment. And so that asked us to be those people who come alongside others who are downtrodden, and who are hurting. And they let them know that they are loved spite what has happened in their past.

Kimberly Hobbs  
As ladies, I believe, that's a calling on all of us, that we need to step out in prayer. And if you're not a bold person, if you're tend to be quiet, and you let others just, you know, no step out and ask God to help you be bold and courageous. And that you would step out of that comfort zone for Jesus cuz it is our it's our job, I guess you'd say, you know, as believers as those in relationships with Jesus, that we talk to somebody that we normally may not talk to, you know, our pray with a family member, a friend or a co worker such as Stacey does, she's bold, and she steps out where God has her right now, in that Nick unit and with boldness, she's praying with others, she is loving them and loving them to Jesus. And true boldness, ladies is centered in Christ, not ourselves. And sometimes we're so focused on ourselves, or what are people gonna think of us are, you know, I'm not a speaker, or I don't know, a whole lot of Scripture what, but just take that first step and just ask God to go with you, and speak out about him. And you're going to watch how he's going to be right there with you. He's going to give you our triggers something in your mind that you're going to say, because you prayed about it, and you asked him for that boldness. So the CC Can you just give us a give these ladies an encouraging word from your heart, how they can step out in that boldness just like you are you are in a place where you were, you were afraid to do that, because all the focus was on yourself. You grew up that way. But God turned it around. So how can you encourage our listening audience to step out in that boldness?

Stacy Thomas  
Um, I think the main thing that we have to remember is that God is never going to lead us into anything that is for to hurt us. So start feeling afraid, I realized that is from the enemy, and the enemy loves to distract us with fear. Yeah, yes. So if you know if God is calling if the Holy Spirit is putting it on my heart to talk to somebody or to say something in particular, the first thing I do is I pray about it. Because I want to be sure that my words are helpful and not hurtful, and that they come across with the right motives. And so I checked my heart, and I asked God to show me the way that would be a way to, to enlighten him in this person's life. And then I have to take that step. And, and that step is is sometimes very hard, and sometimes it's very easy, and I will be honest, sometimes it's the people that I'm the closest with that I have the hardest time being bold with. I come from a place of not wanting to disrupt the applecart, you know, and I come from a place of wanting that accepted And, and needing to know that people are happy with me. But God is really leading me out of that. And, and And ladies, if you if you wonder how I got here, it's been through just really listening to God and learning how to be obedient. And sometimes I thought, am I even hearing him. But there was always a time that he would come alongside me and make it clear in some way, even through telling me to read the book of Ezekiel, which I did not understand whole lot of before the surgery, and I still don't, but being able to just say, You know what, I'm going to take a chance on God, because what else do I what do I have to lose there? Because he's always for me, he's never against me, always. And I spent too many years living in fear and living afraid of what might happen. And now knowing that that fear comes from the enemy. It's just a matter of taking a deep breath, thanking God, loving God and saying, God, my life is surrendered for you and your will test and that word, and those 100 Steps come in baby steps. He's not going to require us to jump off the cliff into some sort of ministry or jump off the cliff into some sort of evangelism. He's just asking us to have conversations and share our story.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen. Amen. Yes, ladies, and thank you. Thank you so much, Stacy for sharing that and encouraging and it does, it requires humility, again, ladies rather than pride. And realize that you can be bold in your faith, be bold in your faith, and I just have a couple scriptures I wanted to share as we close here, the wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. And that's proverbs 28. One, be bold, as a lion, ladies, God will give you that confidence, you can do it, you just need to step out and be courageous. Acts for 31 reminds us that after they pray, they were shaken, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God boldly. So one thing that Stacy and I were both sharing was pray, pray about it, as she is there in the NICU, and things are right in front of her situations that she doesn't have any control over, she goes to God and prayer and ask God to how is he going to use me here? What am I going to say, Lord, and then God speaks through her, he will do that for you too, if you ask him to. So remember that ladies, that's our duty, we need to be bold and courageous, and share our faith wherever we are, where ever we are in this world. And this is a tool that I hope might help you. Two years ago, we women world leaders put put out a book called courageous steps of faith. And these women, there's many women in this book that have shared their stories of being bold, and courageous and stepping out in faith and doing something amazing for the Lord. And we believe that all of us, all of us have that ability to do it. If you would like to get this book to encourage you and inspire you. It is available through our website at women, world leaders calm and it and we ask that you get it through our website, it is available on Amazon as well. But it has become a number one bestseller. And we are very grateful for that. But that's because God has shown favor and this book has been prayed over and we believe it will be a very useful tool tool to you if you need that little encouragement to step out and be bold, courageous steps of faith. And that's with God. All things are possible. We do believe that with all of our heart, ladies. And one other thing that we have for you that would be a great inspiration. And again, full of Scripture full of encouragement is our magazine that comes out once a quarter now. And it is called voice of truth. It is available digitally outside of the United States around the world, through women world And you can get your free copy if you are within the United States. And that is by going to women world voice of truth and then there's a place where you can sign up leave us your name, address and email address which we do not share. But please ladies also if you receive Voice of Truth last year, this year, we need to have you re submit your name and address and email to continue receiving it. And our next edition is coming out in May. So please ladies, make sure that you get yourself Rhys re signed up for Voice of Truth or if you want it Please go to our website at women world leaders calm. So in closing again, thank you so much Stacy Thomas for joining us. And Stacy is going to be one of the authors and the upcoming book for this year which is called surrendered, yielded with purpose. So we are so excited that chair, Stacey is going to share her story. So thank you, Stacey, for your willingness to say yes to Jesus and to serve. Lady desires a place for you to serve here within this ministry and we invite each and every one of you to join us at women world Or join us in our Facebook group. And just look for women world leaders on Facebook and asked to come into the group and we will gladly let you in. Ladies, we are so happy to have you and again from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders. All content is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed written consent. God bless you each Thank you for listening. And please don't forget we have our teaching podcasts every Wednesday by Julie Jenkins. And we also have encouraging podcasts every Friday and Celebrating God's Grace. So ladies, please we have podcasts for you Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays please be sure to join us at Women World Leaders podcast. Thank you and God bless you