Oct 28, 2022
Join host Janet Berrong as she guides you into Spiritual Wellness in this, the last of her three-part series on Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellness. Listen and learn how to allow God to lead you into a health-filled balance in your spirit, soul, and body.
Welcome to Celebrating God's Crace, a Women World Leaders podcast. I'm your host, Janet Berrong. Thank you for joining us today as we celebrate God's grace in our lives in ministry and around the world. It is good to be back with you today sharing about health, wellness, beauty and Jesus. Yes, they do go hand in hand. Today we're going to focus on the spiritual well-being. It's a three-part of the series where we touch base on being healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually. Create spiritual balance by loving God with all your heart. Matthew 2237 reads, Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy mind and all thy soul. When we surrender our troubles to God, we are able to live in abundance of faith, hope and love that only come from him. First Corinthians 1313 reads, now these three remain, faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love. Sounds simple right? Love God with all three parts of your creation, and you will walk in freedom. Unfortunately, balance seems to be one of the hardest things to achieve. The heart carries a heavy load. Loving God with your entire heart is an intentional act, and not something that has been done randomly. Love is a choice. This means that you have to take action by making the choice to love. God reminds his children of his restorations and redemptions, and he wants nothing more for us to be a part of that plan. Being involved with God's plan of restoration will help you stay spiritually aligned with the whole heart and allow you to achieve balance of physical, spiritual and emotional health. Our spiritual health will have a significant impact on our emotional health, which will have a major influence on our physical health. The interconnection between the spirit, the soul and the body is certainly a complex connection. Nevertheless, that connection is real. The apostle John was inspired by God to write Third John one two. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. This is an indication of the importance of attending to the matters of the soul, as it relates to being healthy, loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, impacts everything we do, and everything we are. Starting first with our spiritual health makes balancing the wheel much easier because we know who's we are in a culture that encourages us to rely on different kinds of specialties, for different dimensions of our lives, is easy to forget to see our lives as a whole, the way God sees us. You are a new creation in Christ, mind, body, spirit. But until Jesus returns, we are still a work in progress. If you have not put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can do so today. Start by trusting Him for His ways, in his timing, get connected and aligned through His Word of God, and having that personal relationship with God Himself, our Creator, Savior, the Holy One. If this is you today, please email us at prayer at women world leaders.com. drop us a note. We would love to pray with you and celebrate with you and your decision. As you continue to place your trust in God. He will continue to fill your heart with joy, peace and hope that overflows into the lives of people around you. Romans 1513 reads, may God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in him. My dear sisters, as I close out our time together. I want to share a poem with you that I felt so appropriate for this time, drinking from my saucer by John Paul Moore. I've never made a fortune. It's probably too late now, but I don't worry about that much. I'm happy anyhow and as I go along life's way, I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup has overflowed. I don't have a lot of riches, and sometimes the going gets tough, but I've loved ones around me and that makes me rich enough. I thank God for His blessings and His mercy he's bestowed. I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup has overflowed. I remember times when things went wrong, my faith were somewhat thin. But at once the dark clouds broke, the sun peed through again. So God helped me not to gripe about the tough rose i have heard. I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup has overflowed. If God gives me the strength and courage when the waves grow steep and rough, I not ask for other blessings. I am blessed enough. In May I never be too busy to help others bear their loads. I will keep drinking from my saucer because my cup has overflowed. Thank you for listening to women world leaders podcast. Join us each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As we explore together God's extravagant love in your courageous progress. Visit our website at WWW dot women world leaders.com. To submit a prayer request register for an upcoming event and support the ministry from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders. All content is copyrighted by women world leaders and cannot be used without expressed written consent.