Aug 31, 2022
A woman stands before Jesus in her sin. Accusers look on with condemnation. Then, the power of Jesus’ voice rings through the crowd, and the atmosphere changes. We, too, are invited to stand before Jesus – fully forgiven. (John 7:53-8:11)
Welcome to Walking in the Word, the biblical teaching arm of the Women...
Aug 29, 2022
Aug 26, 2022
I wonder what I am going to be when I grow up.
Did you ever think...
Aug 24, 2022
If our world seems divided and in chaos, that’s because it is! But look closer, Jesus gives His peace to all who come to Him. He offers calming, living water to quench our thirst and soothe our souls, and then He gives us a job to do. Are you up for the mission? (John 7:32-52)
Welcome to Walking in the Word, the...
Aug 22, 2022