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Women World Leaders' Podcast

Jan 22, 2024

In today's podcast, host Tawana Lowery shares biblical insight about how to overcome being offended for the sake of the cross. She tells a personal story about how God delivered her from being offended so she could help others experience the love and saving grace of Jesus and shares why the ability to overcome being offended is crucial in preparing for the days ahead.



Hello… and Welcome to Women World Leaders Podcast 


I’m your Host… Tawana Lowery

·       Women’s Empowerment Coach

·       And Executive Director of Miss Overcomer Global


And I’m VERY excited you joined today…


·       As we explore what the Father wants us to know about himself and who we are as Powerful Ambassadors…


·       So let’s get started…


1.     This is the time of year when many of us set goals or resolve to make improvements in our lives.


2.       Today I want to share a few thoughts about a resolution you may not have considered… and that is …

How to Overcome being offended.


3.     As we see tensions and conflict mounting on a High-Definition Global scale… each of us will be presented with an increased opportunity to be offended.


4.     In fact, Jesus instructed in Matthew 24:10 that opportunities to be offended would be on the rise in the last days.


a.     That because of the increase of wickedness… many people’s hearts would grow cold.


b.     But…. as his ambassadors… we are called to rise above it and live with a pure heart.




Let me share a story from my own experience…

1.     Several years ago, I walked continually offended by the Pornography industry…

2.     And… yes… what this industry produces is evil…


·        Nevertheless… my response to it was NOT the love of God.


3.     Finally, I just asked God why I allowed anything Porn related to produce such a visceral response.


4.     He told me the issue was my own unbelief.


·        I somehow believed the pornography industry was more powerful than the all-sufficient Love of God to save and deliver.


·        Also, I had a teenage son at the time… and I was fearful of the effects it could have on him if he encountered it.


·        Again…. I was putting all my faith in the power of sin rather than the power of God to save.


5.     And so… my first step was to pray about the unbelief and ask God’s forgiveness about the offense.



6.     Several weeks later…. I was praying about how to become more available to my community with prayer and counseling.


Share your personal story.



7.     We need to see the Provocations as an Invitation…


·        For Transformation and Restoration….

8.     Had I not prayed about my offense towards those enslaved by pornography… I would have missed a great miracle.


Lessons Learned…

·        When I’m offended, I am walking in disobedience because I am walking after the flesh.

·        When I’m focused on the offense, I am allowing the enemy to distract my focus Away from the cross.

·        When I turn my back on those who offend me, I am turning my back on the opportunity for transformation and restoration (for the other person and myself).

·        1 Corinthians 13 – LOVE is not easily Offended…

·        We are Chosen to be offended for the sake of the Cross!

·        We have the privilege of allowing the offense to drive us to the Cross so the resurrection power of Jesus might be made manifest.


During this new year, let’s be intentional to go on Offense about being Offended rather than being defensive distant.

Let’s purpose in our hearts to see the Provocations as an Invitation for Restoration, Transformation and  Resurrection!





Well… It’s been a pleasure spending time with you today.


Thanks for listening to Women World Leaders podcast!


·        Join us each week as we explore together God’s extravagant love and your courageous purpose.


·        Visit our website at to submit a prayer request, register for an upcoming event, and support the ministry.


·        From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders.


All content is copyrighted by Tawana Lowery and Women World Leaders and cannot be used without express written consent.